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Само дано излезне и с буквички, че от техните разговори разбрах само едно "разбрах", май и "приятел" чух по едно време, както и "вирви си", "защо", но е възможно и нищо да не съм разбрала :es:


Едит: Уф, забравих да напиша малкото инфо, което прочетох за клипчето :). Клипът е сниман в близост до Kangnam, Incheon и Ilsan, в продължение на 5 дни. Пълната версия, както сами ще видите и чуете, включва три техни песни - “Keep Your Head Down,” “Before U Go” и “Story I Don’t Want to Believe“ :inlove:

Редактирано от melli
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Omo, omo, omo...


Почвам с изсмуканите от пръстите критки: за кво треаше целия албум да пуснат? Тая Ара, макар да я въвлякоха в любовна история(подозирам, че е щото Юнхо иска поне във видео да има гадже) пак не беше от никаква полза. И накрая...Чангмин никога не е бил толкова трето колело, колкото тука...Чак аз му съчувствах.


Иначе съм напълно удовлетворена, тва бяха 16 минути, заснети перфектно, с клиширан, но сладурски плот, няколко много добри кадъра, малко фенсървис, много ефекти....Наслада за окото. То субтитри за кво са? Ясно си е за кво става дума, а на Юнхо последната му реплика и на Мини "Уеееееее"то ме размазаха...

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Omo, omo, omo...


Почвам с изсмуканите от пръстите критки: за кво треаше целия албум да пуснат? Тая Ара, макар да я въвлякоха в любовна история(подозирам, че е щото Юнхо иска поне във видео да има гадже) пак не беше от никаква полза. И накрая...Чангмин никога не е бил толкова трето колело, колкото тука...Чак аз му съчувствах.


Иначе съм напълно удовлетворена, тва бяха 16 минути, заснети перфектно, с клиширан, но сладурски плот, няколко много добри кадъра, малко фенсървис, много ефекти....Наслада за окото. То субтитри за кво са? Ясно си е за кво става дума, а на Юнхо последната му реплика и на Мини "Уеееееее"то ме размазаха...

Е, верно си е ясно, но покрай филмите и песните с буквички съм взела, че съм се разглезила :rolleyes:. А за "Уеее"-то на Мини съм тотално съгласна с теб!

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Заповядай превод :)





"I'll do it. Whoever the target is."



Phone: "Blocked Number"



CM: "He's doing it again?"

YH: "Whew... It's been always like that..."



"They're leaving now."



"Got it."



"I'm not gonna be able to do this any longer."



"Stick it out? How do you expect me to keep doing this?"



CM: "I knew something was fishy."

"I had no choice."

CM: "Is that an excuse? Yunho is wounded, YOUR FRIEND GOT HURT!!!"



"If you were me, could you have done nothing?"

CM: "Say it again. SAY IT AGAIN!!!"


"Yunho was unlucky. Yunho JUST DIDN'T HAVE ANY LUCK!!!"



CM: "Go.... GO!!!" "WHY????"



1 year later



Girl: "Hi brother. How come you're not dropping by? I miss you. (asking someone next to her) This is being sent to my brother, right? "

Deep Voice: "97, 29, 6, 99, 30... (Girl screams).. (more numbers)"



Voice: "Take care of everything by today. This is your last chance."



CM: "Tonight a 0 hr, we're going to run an operation to bust a drug-ring while pretending to be making deals."



"Take care of everything by today. This is your last chance."



"This really is the last time."



"Let's see the stuff."



CM: "WTH are you doing?"

"I'm sorry. This really is the last time."



CM: "How can you do this to me? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?"

"I just need you to die! DIE! DIE!"



"Put it away."

YH: "Is there any way for you... to stop?"



YH: "Why? WHY ON EARTH DID YOU..!!!???"



"What do you guys know? My sister is dying. MY SISTER IS DYING, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!"


CM: "Was our friendship worth only this much to you?"

YH: "You...don't exist any more."





Credit: Precious@truetvxq.blogspot.com

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Заповядай превод :)





"I'll do it. Whoever the target is."



Phone: "Blocked Number"



CM: "He's doing it again?"

YH: "Whew... It's been always like that..."



"They're leaving now."



"Got it."



"I'm not gonna be able to do this any longer."



"Stick it out? How do you expect me to keep doing this?"



CM: "I knew something was fishy."

"I had no choice."

CM: "Is that an excuse? Yunho is wounded, YOUR FRIEND GOT HURT!!!"



"If you were me, could you have done nothing?"

CM: "Say it again. SAY IT AGAIN!!!"


"Yunho was unlucky. Yunho JUST DIDN'T HAVE ANY LUCK!!!"



CM: "Go.... GO!!!" "WHY????"



1 year later



Girl: "Hi brother. How come you're not dropping by? I miss you. (asking someone next to her) This is being sent to my brother, right? "

Deep Voice: "97, 29, 6, 99, 30... (Girl screams).. (more numbers)"



Voice: "Take care of everything by today. This is your last chance."



CM: "Tonight a 0 hr, we're going to run an operation to bust a drug-ring while pretending to be making deals."



"Take care of everything by today. This is your last chance."



"This really is the last time."



"Let's see the stuff."



CM: "WTH are you doing?"

"I'm sorry. This really is the last time."



CM: "How can you do this to me? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?"

"I just need you to die! DIE! DIE!"



"Put it away."

YH: "Is there any way for you... to stop?"



YH: "Why? WHY ON EARTH DID YOU..!!!???"



"What do you guys know? My sister is dying. MY SISTER IS DYING, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!"


CM: "Was our friendship worth only this much to you?"

YH: "You...don't exist any more."





Credit: Precious@truetvxq.blogspot.com

Благодаря ти :kiss2:

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Сори за двойния пост, но не можах да се стърпя и да не споделя с вас и останалите снимки от фотосесията, които са като сцени от филм, който поне аз с удоволствие бих изгледала - Everyone has a secret ;)



Everyone has a secret

Stubborn Father, Beautiful and young Stepmother, widow Sister in law who lost my elder brother, My older brother who became a model student after elder brother passed away and trouble maker of this house Me.....

We live in same place, and we love each other....


















Като изключа едно-две сакенца, една ризка и папионката (мисля, че щеше да е по-добре ако беше разкопчал едно-две копченца :rolleyes: ), това което видях ми хареса. Но аз и по бански да ги видя пак ще ги харесам :blush:.

Btw малко новинки за JYJ, :click:

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E, бра'о:


Иначе си прибрахме победи от Инкито и Мюзик Бенк.


Опитвам се да разбера концепцията на стилиста за изпълненията на песента и не ми се получава.Или ще са в безумно неугледни костюми, с които Мини мяза на племенника на някой партиен лидер, или ше са препасали Юнхо едни хайдушки пояси, че да е кат' с херния. И тия пипнати вежди...Да не говорим, че тъй лепнали танцьорите и то в същите костюмчета се чудя на какво ми мязат повече-на мъжка версия на СНСД или на СуДжу...Пък то може и двете да е.


Иначе са си секси, колкото и да се стараят стилистите да го скрият, малкия много се е променил, чак се стряскам...Юнхо, ако остави многострадалните физиономии и се върне към секси танците не знам как ще го издържа.

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Не знаех къде да го напиша, но просото трябваше да си излея душата, така че..........:rolleyes:БРАВО ХИРО, добра работа! Страхотен подарък след раздялата на групата!(въпреки че не е същото). Много добри идеи, осбено визуалните ефекти. Много добре си подбрани, малко натруфено, но в мярка, на клиповете се вижда, че феновете го харесват, даже можеби прекалено, почти нищо не се чува от пеенето:mad2:, въпреки че всички знем, че не е фалшиво:D (дали има припаднали фенки). Личи си, че си се постарал(макар че засега няма много материали или поне не с добро качество<_<). Искаме (или поне аз искам, а и се надявам и вие да искате) следващото турне пак да е от теб и да мине през България.

Няколко нови песнички





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Малко да наваксаме с информацията.


JYJ ще правят американско турне, датите и градовете още не са разкрити, но ако някой има път към Щатите....Нека да иде и за мене.

Миналата година през зимата излезе DVD с името Three Voices, което пожъна голям успех и тази година ще ги следва втора част...


Малко тийзърчета.


12.jpg Джунсу и малката му армия от котки.



Тийзъра за концерта в Тайван:



Сега за другата част....


Рекламата им за Найк:



Също така са и в първия епизод на едно възродено предаване на име Такси. Скоро ще качат пълния епизод със субс.


Юнхо участва и в пилотния епизод на ново предаване по СБС, в което звезди ще ходят до родните си места и всякакви такива сантиментални моменти.


А пък тази неделя в един от последните епизоди на Хироуз ще видим наще момчета като младоженци. Аз лично мижа кат стане дума за това.


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Малко стари, но добри техни изпълнения за всички нови фенове ;).








И горната песен отново в съвсем различно изпълнение


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Един дълъг и съдържателен пост, в който да синтезирам всичко важно от последно време, не превеждам статии освен ако някой много мило не помоли и не ми обещае близалка и плюшено зайче.


Графикът на JYJ за американското турне е факт:


Official ticket sales will begin at NOON (PST) on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at the designated online and offline outlets. Vancouver will have a separate on-sale date and time, which will be announced shortly.


Ticket prices are $180, $150, $120, $90, $70, and $40. Seating charts will be available for viewing soon. All details related to ticket purchasing will be announced following this release.


Tickets will go on sale for the concerts on April 16th at 10:00AM PST.


Tour Dates:


Vancouver, Canada


Friday, May 20th @ 8PM


Newark, New Jersey

Presedential Center

Sunday, May 22nd @ 8PM


Los Angeles, California

Nokia Theatre Live

Friday, May 27th @ 8PM


San Jose, California

The Event Centre Arena

Friday, June 3rd @ 8PM



Ужасно сладурски снимки за Nii:










И малко снимки на дуото от KBS концертчето, които няма как да сложа, понеже са или нелепи, или много секси¨:


homin%2B%25285%2529.jpgИ после някой да ми каже, че моето не е любов...тц










И за FRAU и няма вече:
















Много хубаво интервю на ЧеДжунг:



For TVXQ, Korea’s top idol group, July of 2009 was an unforgettable moment of fate. The 3 members Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun, and Hero Jaejoong had suddenly filed for injunctive relief to suspend the contract against their agency SM Entertainment, arguing that the “13 years of exclusive contract is over the line.” The fans, who had been very absorbed into the “boys (who come) before flowers” (T/N: alternatively, “pretty men”), were extremely agitated. They had thought that [TVXQ] had been trotting along without a problem but in truth it was as if they were festering inside. These 3 in the end chose the road of separation ·independence in the name of JYJ. However, the environment that surrounded them was not very amicable. Sometimes they had to taste disappointment under a cold gaze.


About 2 years after the breakup, I invited JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong (Hero Jaejoong) to “Truth in Drink” as a representative of the rest of the members of JYJ. He had stepped out for a world tour with Thailand at the beginning of this year as its start. He shined in his roles, taking on 2 roles despite having only one body by doing executive directing of the stage. In his face was a relief of having finished grand stage without a problem. His expression was also cheerful. Further, most of all, his skin was so very (beautifully) pale and smooth.


JYJ’s Thailand Concert, Debut as the Executive Director of the Stages


Q: I hear that the Thailand Concert was quite the affair.


“It’s all because of the fans. There were points where we wish we had done better, but most of all, we were really happy with the fact that with our songs, we created a complete stage. It’s so moving.


Q: I hear that during the performances, the screams for Jaejoong were the loudest…


“Ah, there’s no way (laugh) If that were the case, that seems to be due to the red see-through outfit that I wore.”


Q: Then the outfits of the other members?


“Park Yoochun is in charge of the manly image in JYJ, so (he wore) blue, and Kim Junsu adds a humorous image so he wore green, I matched them. I expressed an image that was a bit androgynous.”


Q: There must have been a “right to [pick] first” as the executive director of the stage.


“(laugh) That’s right. That’s in the discretion of the director. From now on too, I want to keep trying stage directing.”


Q: Today is “Truth in Drink.” What’s your capacity for alcohol?


I’m on the moderate side when it comes to drink. Instead, if I drink a lot, my face becomes red. When I’m home alone and I can’t sleep, I sometimes drink a glass of sake or beer.


Wallpaper of Cell Phone, Still TVXQ


Q: We’ll address the difficult issues first. To Jaejoong, TVXQ is?


“There are bitter feelings still. However, at the very least, it is not a problem between members. I think there are misunderstandings and lies from around us. Speaking for myself, I can clear up the misunderstandings, even now. I can also send to the members text messages in my seat. In fact, the wallpaper of my cell phone is still TVXQ, also.”


Q: So it must have been disappointing during the Concert.


“I thought: How nice it would have been if the other two had also been, wouldn’t we had made better music.”


Q: Other disappointments?


“It is 7 years after TVXQ debuted with the single ‘Hug’ in 2004. Even if we don’t talk about the Korean songs, there are about 100 songs in just the songs we were active with in Japan. But we cannot sing them. That is so disappointing.”


During our conversation he showed me his cell phone wallpaper. He chose as albums of TVXQ as songs he listens to frequently despite admonitions from others. What was funny was that he has—6 cell phones. He said: Because there are so many prank calls… It seems that it’s better to use five or 6 all at once, more so than switching the number frequently.”


The Single Photograph: Luxury Interior Design? “I Ordered Them Myself Online”


Q: Nowadays many various pictures on the internet are talks of the town. What is this “date picture” from when you were in high school?


“Ah, I also saw that. I think it was probably around Myungdong, Seoul. It’s before debut so it seems that it’s probably when I was high school. It’s true that I was on a date with a girlfriend. But it’s been so long now that I don’t even know how she is.”


Q: The “I was there” shot in a gathering for drink with the entertainer Kang Yebin?


“Ah, that was my birthday party, on January 26th. I met with some of my friends in a bar in the vicinity of Apkujeongdong, Seoul, and I saw her for the first time then. I don’t know Ms. Kang Yebin very well but I came to say hello to her because she came with a drama script writer that I know very well. In truth we sat quite far apart, one front one back, but the picture had such an amazing angle that, on the picture, we seemed like we were leaning on each other. (laugh)”


Q: At that itme, what other people also came?


Most of them were my non-entertainer friends. Among the entertainers it was Hong SeokCheon Hyung and Narsha Nuna and such.


Q: The luxury interior of your new home to which you moved was also the talk of the town.


“I did them myself. However, they are not “luxury.” Among them, about 80%, I decorated with inexpensive internet orders. I’ve always liked doing interior design. Even when me and Mr. Kim Hyunjoong , the two of us, were living together, I did the interior design of the house.


Lived Together with Kim Hyunjoong, Living Alone Now.


Q: So you’ve lived together with “Boys Before Flowers” Kim Hyunjoong.”


Until the end of last year, for about 1 year, we lived together. And at the beginning of this year we moved, Hyunjoong to Chungdamdong and I to Jamshil.”


Q: How did [you come to know] Hyunjoong?


“I got to know him before debut out of coincidence. After that, we have been close friends throughout.”


Q: There must be points on which “men of warmth” (T/N: attractive men) connect.


“It’s not that… (laugh). I met Hyunjoong for the first time, and I felt a bit sorry for him. He looked fine, the way he’s shaped, but he looked a bit like a loner. (laugh) So my heart went out to him even more.”


Q: With the late Mr. Park Yongha, too, your relationship with him was special.


“When I think of that, even now my chest feels like it’s choking. It was when I had traveled to the US after the performance at Tokyo Dome in Japan. As soon as I arrived in the airport, there came a phone call by Yongha Hyung. He asked me where I was, and when I said America, he said “Ah, okay have a good performance, we should have a drink later’… to think that such was the last… And two days later I heard the news of his suicide.”

Q: I know that you in Japan, too, you stand out as having many friends…


“I don’t know. I’m close with people such as the Singer / Actor Yamasita Tomohisa, who has begun activities in Korea too, the vocal of the well-known male group Winds Tachibana Keita; And the Model / Actress Yamada Yu. It’s a case of them coming to see our performances and we get to know each other.


Q: There is a scandal rumor with a Japanese model—does she happen to be Yamada Yu?


“Yamada Yu is a top model in Japan, like a ‘Little Lee Sora’. (T/N: Lee Sora is a legendary top model in Korea.) We met for the first time in our after party of the U.S. LA Showcase. But I know that she is in a relationship with a well-known actor in Japan. Therefore there are no scandals about us in Japan no matter how much we hang out, but it seems that in Korea there has been a bit of a misunderstanding. (laugh)”


Q: Now I understand. However, there were also rumors of being in a relationship with Ayumi Hamasaki.


“That is very strange as well. Ayumi cheered for us during the A-Nation performances, which Japan’s Avex holds every year, and last October she came especially to the JYJ Korean Showcase—it seems that rumors arose because of that. But that’s not the case. You must all know that Ayumi announced a surprise wedding with an actor of Austrian descent. (laugh)”


Ideal Woman is Jeon Inhwa, Kang Sooyun. Until now, Number of Dates = 4


Q: And, your ideal woman?


“Before, it was a person who would give a positive feeling upon first meeting, but now I wish that it is a person who would understand well my talk and I would understand well her talk.


Q: Didn’t you say that your ideal women were Jun Inhwa and Kang Sooyun?


“That’s right. Jun Inhwa sunbae nim has an elegant beauty, and Kang Sooyun sunbae nim has a unique attractiveness. In particular, Kang Sooyun sunbae nim’s dimple is attractive. I fell for her after watching the drama “Woman (Ruling the) World.” I thought she was a new face but I found out that she was a top star. (laugh)”


Q: How many dates have you gone on after your debut?


“After 2004, 4 times. They were all entertainers.”


As soon as those words fell, all around us there was chaos, saying that he shouldn’t say such things. It was that it will become published and it will be troublesome. But Kim Jaejoong said: “It doesn’t matter.”


“I did one Blind Date after debut. But what good comes of it if I hide things like this? These are all things that fans who may know already know. Also, it’s funny to say that I don’t have such things. (laugh)”


Strong Points in Appearance is Pale Feet; Complex is Thin Thighs


Q: What do you think is the reason you connect in Japan?


“First of all, I can be friends with Japanese entertainers. I’m on the side of telling them a straight advice, such as “I think your singing ability is a bit lacking,” and it seems that they take that without any misunderstandings themselves.


Q: If you were to pick out your attractive points?


“Pale feet? (laugh) They are unusually white compared to other parts of inside of my body and so they stick out and they are bit awkward too.”


Q: Complexes?


“Thin thighs. My thighs are on the thin side compared to other men who are of similar build as me.”


Q: And plastic surgery?


“That’s a secret. All my fans know already but if you don’t know, I’ll pass. (laugh)”


Instead, he grinned, saying that he used to be concerned that his nose was a bit flat.


Dream, Entertainer Kim Jaejoong


Q: Your plans for the future.


“Activities as JYJ is the first priority. I think the world tour performances should be wrapped up well.”


Q: Other fields that you as an individual want to challenge yourself with.


“Now that I’ve done musical directing I’m getting more desires. Acting and musicals, too, if there are opportunities, I want to do more of them.”


On this day, I talked with Kim Jaejoong with beer. He said that he turns red, but even after drinking 5 to 6 glasses there was no change to the color of his complexion. He is strong in his singing, dancing, and directing abilities and also in drinking. He was just so honest, more than he seemed (from his appearance upon first meeting). The reporter had to actually differentiate between those things to write and those things to not. But Kim Jaejoong said “I can’t say that the facts that the fans all know aren’t true. To your questions, I answered honestly, everything,” and lessened the needless worries of this reporter.



Eй го и Джусну в едно друго:



“I’ve come to learn that all problems stem from not making myself grow but rather being satisfied, saying “this much, should be okay.”


Group JYJ’s Kim Junsu, who is broadening his domain from idol star into a musical actor, opened up his heart in the interview with Focus Shinmum on the 11th, saying “I, too, am a human being before I am a singer.” He has conquered the wounds he endured through the separation process with TVXQ last year by immersing himself into the Musical “Mozart.” Following that, through the musical “Tears of Heaven,” he flowered once more as a musical actor “Kim Junsu.” He said: “I became a much stronger, mature man.” Many people know him as born on January 1 of 1987, but in truth he is born on the year of the Tiger, on December 15th of 1986, as a twin (his older brother is Zuno). He debuted as TVXQ when he was a 2nd year student in high school and now, he’s become a young man of 25.


“While singing the “I needed to learn” in the first scene of the 2nd act of Tears of Heaven, I felt moved at the thought that ‘such is life.’ A situation in which one needs to kill another person in order for myself to live, in order to live and to meet a person that I love, is not something that only happens in war.”


To Kim Junsu, musical is a teacher that teaches life. “Sadder than the fact that it is a society of competition in which one must fight with the other to win is the (fact that we have) circumstances in which one must learn how to push others down in order to survive with those methods.”


Junsu thought of the “good sportsmanship” (T/N: literally, “competition in good faith”) as a method to cure the social conditions like today that goads one to become angry and lose his temper.


“I wish that in our society will operate with the rule in which even if one loses, if the other person has such great qualities that I can accept it, that one humbly accepts the results.”


Kim Junsu’s principle (T/N: This is the same word that is used by Jaejoong when he describes his tattoo on his chest) is to try his best. (Junsu says that) it is because if he does so, even if it does not work out, he will be able to begin something new. When (the newspaper) asked whether he has had anything that he tried but would not work out, he said it was studying.


“In particular, math—as we finished the quadratic formula and moved on to trigonometry, I said: ‘Studying is something that even if one tries it just won’t work.’ (laugh)”


Kim Junsu is currently challenging himself at Popera. Time to time he is taking voice lessons (T/N: the article uses the word 성악 which is traditionally used to denote the kind of singing often done by opera actors). The transformation into a Popera singer from an idol dance singer is, to Junsu, as fervent as the task (T/N: literally, “homework”) that has been thrown on his twenties.


“The sensitivities that a song that is flavored by the (opera) voice is going to be different.”


(Junsu said that) in his thirties, he wishes to be a musician who writes songs. He said that he wants to be a composer who brings the thought of ‘I want to sing Kim Junsu’s song” when he is facing a certain situation.”


In Musical “Mozart” there is a song called “Golden Star.” It is—that you should break out of the tall walls of the castle and find the dream in the wide world and achieve it. In musicals, there are (naturally) parts which overlap with the lives of the audiences themselves and make them reflect upon themselves and bring them to tears. I will always protect you by your side, as an actor who, through musicals, comfort your lives and give you courage.”


Kim Junsu said that he wanted to become a singer who sings life, a musician who arouses memories and inspiration.


Извадка от гостуването на TVXQ! в TAXI:



On April 14th, TVXQ guested on the first episode of tvN’s revamped talk show,”Taxi“, and revealed their honest thoughts on their group and on living together.


The boys were first asked about the split between JYJ and TVXQ. Reflecting sombrely, Yunho stated, “I can’t say that it doesn’t hurt when the two of us have to stand on our own now. I know that the three of them are very nice friends and are talented, but there were a lot of people who regarded our comeback with worried gazes, and even criticized as to whether the two of us could make it work.”


He continued, “That was the most upsetting because to me, protecting TVXQ above all was my priority. I still want to protect it, and I will protect it into the future.”


Changmin continued, “There wasn’t a change of mind, nor were we standing at crossroads, and all of a sudden, we were separated. That’s what I regretted the most. Just like old times, we’re in the same exact position, working in the same exact career, and as ready as ever, but it is true that we were both upset and worried.”


He continued, “But you can’t turn back time, so I accepted it and the only thing I’m thinking about is to work even harder with just the two of us to show a better image of ourselves.”


When asked about their dorm life together, Yunho revealed, “His personality and lifestyle is 180 degrees different to mine, so it was hard to adjust at first. I’m a bit rough personality-wise, while Changmin is extremely clean.”


Yunho revealed that he’d leave his toothpaste on the wet bathroom floor, or sometimes shower for longer than necessary, all of which annoyed Changmin to an extent. Yunho laughed, “Changmin nags a lot, and it sometimes makes me wonder whether I’ve gotten married. It feels like I’m living with a wife.”


He added, “When I’m in a rush, I have a habit of walking back in the house with my shoes on to retrieve an item, and Changmin hates that a lot. One time, he approached me seriously and said, ‘Hyung, you really can’t do that.’ I realized that it couldn’t go on for much longer and fixed the habit immediately.”


When asked by the MC about whether they felt it was time to move out on their own, Changmin replied, “I think it’s about time that we begin planning to live on our own.”




И сега бая видео:


Yoochun - SungKyungKwan Scandal DVD



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TVXQ! Nike's Women Race CF


credits:DBSKnights, soompi, sharingyoochun, bOwstitChmEng

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Много е неловко да го гледам тоя лайв.
Истината е, че се справиха страхотно. И ако не бях гледала пълните лайфове на Rising Sun нямаше да е толкова кофти, но някак си...Звучеше перфектно, ама не както трябва...Чангмин вече веднъж е покривал частта на Хиро, но с тази на Джунсу и особено с тази на Мики(имах усещането, че ми се кара, а не тва е идеята) някак си не може да си пасне. Хореографията колко е осакатена, нямам думи.

Хем ми е кеф, че са в гравата "легенди", хем ми е много тъпо, че са само двамата. Особено с орязаните снимки от преди години, супер крийпи излъчване имаше...
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Ужас.....нямам думи! Айде що годе е добре , но когато Мини почна да пее частта на Мики когато рапира не можах да го изтърпя! То толкоз смотано звучи, чее ...ох ужас т'ва е брутално :mad: ! На мен хич не ми харесва изпълнението на песента,въобще не може да се мери с истинската.И както казва Zenith хореографията е толкоз празна вее едно не е довършена и с тези танцьори въобще не изглежда добре, а за снимките да не говорим :huh: .К'во да кажа аз така не мога да приема песните който са били и на 5-мата да се пеят само от тия двамцата :mad2: ! Да си пеят тези новите песни който са си само техни, а онези да ги оставят! Разбирам, че е грава с "легенди",но ..... :no:

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Т'ва, че бебо е смотльо не значи, че звучи смотано или, че някой има право да не му се възхищава, алоу.


Опитвам се да обесня от доста време, че те имат ПЪЛНИТЕ права да пеят песните. И всъщност единствения проблем е чисто пуберското съзнание на повечето фенове, в това число и моя милост. Това е и проблемът на поп индустрия...Твърде силно се обвързват феновете с изпълнителите, чието основно предназначение е да пробават един продукт...За съжаление тук се гледа първо продавачът, после продуктът, от което и следва цялата тая истерия...


Проблемът на хореографията са не танцьорите, щото тя тая песен е изпълнявана повече със заместници, отколкото с петимата, ами, че поначало е за 5 човека и танцьори, а сега същия танц трябва да бъде съобразен с двама, заради което и изглежда празно, но не може да направят нова хореография на песента...Иначе денсърите с нищо не пречат, хората си бачкат.


Пъки като махнем мъката по триото...Всеки един от тях е бачкал като гламав, за да стигне дотук и когато някой иска да ти го признае някак си е обидно и абсурдно за самия теб да кажеш...."Е не, щом не сме всички не може" По този начин умаловажават собствения си труд и несгоди, които не са никак малко, нито по-долу от тези на Дже, Чуни и Джунсу. Юнхо и Мини вече три или 4 пъти заявиха, че напълно осъзнават таланта и услията на останалите...Демек-те уважават това, ама трябва и себе си. На тяхно място и аз щях да се съглася, макар и да знам, че нещо е нередно.

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