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Наистина не мога да разбера нападките, които започнаха след издаването на албума. До колкото помня при издаването на албумите на JYJ проблем нямаше ... А и честно казано да се твърди, че XoMin и SM са ни "отнели" другите трима е смешно и нереално.


Source: DNBN

shared by : JYJ3

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Толкова е гадно да почнеш да харесваш някоя група,точно когато се разпада.

Ужасно много ми харесват и незнам как не ги бях слушала толкова време.Може би понеже ги е нямало 2 години и затова не бях попадала много често на тях.

Уникални песни!!Новия албум на XoMin е наистина много добър,повечето от песните са ми на replay.

И колкото да си обичам ужасно много всички останали момчета като СуДжу,Шайнитата,2пием,бийст и т.н.,наистина няма спор че тези СА групата.

Много,много жалко,че се разпаднаха,защото наистина екипа им е бил страхотен.

Въпреки че може би като всяка фенка са само оптимистични надежди,но въпреки скандалите напоследък около тях,все пак в интервютата им я виждам тази отворена врата за евентуално събиране.А това все пак си е повече от нищо на този етап.

Дано се съберат,защото наистина е жалко да ги гледаме да се бутат един друг от челните позиции,като могат да са на 1-ва заедно :)


И песента на момчетата Journey с участието на SNSD's Seohyun.(за ОСТ-а на Paradise Ranch )

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Като ги няма едни, много ясно за кой ще викам...

Момчетата буквално ме събудиха и докато съм в еуфория, пиша...

Много силно представяне днес и закономерно спечелиха Music Bank!Chukae!

IU да бяга вече, че ми омръзна да я гледам...



Моите акценти:

Military аутфитите ме зарадваха неустово, оставям факта на страна, че Мини и на неандерталче ми мязаше, но не изчезнало като вид, а току що завърнало се....

Ръцете на Мини..моля виии, ако трябва някой да се "откъсва" от тях, ще му е трудно! :lol:

Като съм тръгнала за Мини да добавя още, повече ми харесва(и изненадва) като рапира, а не като пищи...

Косите им бяха супер!Наш Юнхо беше очарователен с вдигната коса..казах ли?Дори без дъх..и без думен..

И последно, публика беше полудяла...до края да спря да вика, кряка, пищи..и да се радва за успеха! А публиката не е кой знае колко маса..но беше на високо ниво!


P.P.Aз очаквам ХоМин и на сцената на Шоколад, след едни сладурски снимки които мернах...редуват ли ги?


Няма да пропусна JYJ, първите кадри за NII са прелестни..а косата на Мики и познатите му физиономии, още повече :P

Но слагам една от последното му интервю..


П.П...но защо JYJ изглеждат уморени?

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Слава на мултимедийните технолигии, щом излезе веднага го видях и ако успея да опиша какъв звук издадох, а с какви мъки съм чакала да се прибера....Невероятно, невероятно съм щастлива за тях. Юнхо пак си сдържа сълзите едвам едвам, даже Мини почти се изпусна. Това за Хъни Фъни Бъни.....А като лидера извика Касиопея си спомних толкова много хубави моменти.
Макс нещо си е наранил ръката, дясната, през цялото време я криеше от камерите, а като не успя се видя някаква драскотина, лудетина ми е той...Аутфитите са чудни, те са чудни...Неандерталец ще ти дам аз на тебе, с тия ботушки и дълги крака само за вкъщи ми е бебо, да ми се кара и да ми вие. Обаче най-якото е как са по-високи ОТ ВСИЧКИ на сцената, ама от всички....Чакаме още две и още от първата седмица тройна корона.

Аю да се маха.

Триото имат страхотната сбособност да изглеждат уморени през 99% от времето си, а вероятно е така....Не им е леко нито емоционално, нито физически, гледах се изпоразболяли и те.


Ето защо беше тва със зайчето, как да не ги обичаш...Единя, че го направи, а другия че се направи XD


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Даам "новите" TVXQ имат голям и заслужен успех...ама все ощe ми е някво странно като чуя TVXQ и си представям петимата не само двамца :lol: ама добре си се справят и спор няма ...големи са сладури и песничката "Keep Your Head Down" звучи чудно :)


За тримата "мускетари" нямам още мнение,но имат свежо звучене...абе ще видим xD

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Дълго, дълго не съм писала и коментирала, защото време не ми остава (ама иначе всичко чета B) ), ама момчетата си заслужават да бъдат похвалени. Съгласна съм с Annabel- малко е странно да чуеш само двамата, а не петимата. Не мога да отрека, че страшно силен албум направиха. Рядко ми се случва от един албум да харесам повече от една-две песни, но тук- дори не мога да си избера любима песен- всички са страхотни :yes: !И Keep yiur head down, и Maximum (по нея полудях още миналата година, когато я изпълниха на един концерт, мн мн яка!), Our game, She... :wub: Естествено момчетата получават заслужените награди и похвали. Все така да продължават! :bow:

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Music Core:





Браво на тях~!


Junsu в интервюто си за YTN със английски субтитри ^^




И просто едни снимчици,

които ми въздействаха по някавън начин





И макнето на корицата на Ceci




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Опс, изпълнение на УЕЕЕ:




И победителите - браво:



Толкова съм радостна, че костюмите им не са в краските от клипа :)


За ккипа на How can I - като се има предвид, че песента не ми харесва грам, поне двамцата са наистина за гледане B)

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Понеже тия снимки са сложени...Бебо с други жени аз не искам да виждам, ама се примирявам...Виж, с Йон Хи обаче няма, никви снимки на драмата и по списания тука....моля *големи азиатски умоляващи очи*


Невероятното се случи, след почти две годишно отсъствие ДБСК ще пеят и на М!Countdown, което вероятно индикира, че и други СМ звезди ще се явят отново по Мнет. На 20, заедно със СънгРи ще ги гледаме.



Мики пък разкри, че е имал две възки от по три години и предвид, че е на 24 години това ми се струва голям удар по фенското ми сърце, но пък и какъвто му е вкуса за жени, нямам грам шанс...тъжна работа.

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Някои хора явно съвсем са полудели...

Прилича ми на стая от психиатрична клиника....


Иначе разбрах, че мюзикълът на Джунсу ще гостува в цели три града в Европа - Лондон, Берлин и Прага. Ако той вземе да дойде тук - мисля, че ще си заслужава да се види.

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От мюзикъла на Сусу. Ако по някакви уникални, почти невзможни обстоятелства те дойдат в България, няма да могат да ме изгонят от операта.

Zenith, човек как да ти устои, махнах ги xD
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като голям фен на хомин и saw(убийствен пъзел)

някои да го е гледал ? ако не гледаите го много е як филма ама го гл подред щото ина4е няма да разберете за какво става въпрос

и това клип4е

ot 0:20 do 0:32 е то4на имитация на песента от saw и съм 100% сигурна 4е е от там!!! някои да знае нещо (не 4е казвам 4е непременно са я откраднали ама така изглежда) и ако може пове4е инфо за клипа ???
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lili0001 - не се мисли толкова за това... тая theme музика от SAW са я използвали също и в Dancing Stars България (ако не се лъжа за предаването). Ползват я, защото има по-... как да кажа... "зрелищно" звучене и така подчертават мотива за битката, така да се изразя. А и тя не е част от самата песен на DBSK. ;)

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Да си кажа завръщането днеска не беше най-доброто възможно. Юнхо категорично отказва да се лекува, а Чангмин, колкото и да внимава явно се е заразил, защото никога досега не се е задъхвал толкова много, да не говорим че не знам какво виждаше по време на словото си.Та фалшивяха доста, но иначе наистина супер.


Защо ще благодариш на стилистката си бе, момче? С къв акъл...За кво?


За поредното японско списание. Юнхо нещо почна много да ми харесва с тия си бузки, милия.










Ето и интервюто:



Right as they reached their peak, Tohoshinki's activities were suspended. This January, Leader Yunho and magnae Changmin are making their comeback as the new Tohoshinki, marking the restart of their activities.


Yunho: (I'm) Working with Changmin in our comeback as Tohoshinki. (I'm) Really happy, it's been a while since we've been active in Japan but I feel quite relaxed.


Changmin: I learnt a lot when we were carrying out our individual activities, but I was always alone from beginning to end. When I'm with Yunho, we encourage one another and we split tasks between the two of us. Of course, it's the same when dealing with pressure and anxiety.


Making an appearance as 2-membered Tohoshinki for the first time in Seoul last summer for their agency's 'SM Town Concert Tour' became a significant turning point for the two members.


Changmin: That was the most nerve-racking moment I'd experienced since our debut.


Yunho: It was the same for me! (I was) Very nervous!!


Changmin: Right before we went on stage, I drank a lot of coffee (laughs)!! To be honest, all the staff and fans were probably wondering what it would be like with the two of us on stage. Despite the anticipation, I think it was probably a little unsettling for everyone.


Yunho: After walking on stage and hearing everyone's cheers, (I) was really happy. At that moment, I realized for the first time how amazing Changmin is at dancing.

Changmin: I'm really glad to hear a compliment from the great super star Yunho (laughs).


Yunho: For me, I always worked the hardest on dancing. Thinking back, I probably had quite an easy time all along. In Changmin's case, he's handsome and he's good at everything, it's amazing.


Changmin: Aish, I'm still not working hard enough, I still cannot compare to the super star Yunho!


Yunho: This child, he teases me every time (laughs)


With the restart of their activities, the group also released their highly anticipated new single.

Yunho: It's a song that drives people crazy and really suits the style of Tohoshinki.

Changmin: Please look forward to our performances.


Seems like it will be a very fitting song for their comeback.

Yunho: Rather than saying that this was the moment we had all been waiting for, (I) see this as an opportunity to show people the result of our individual progress and development. As a leader watching my members carrying out their activities, I feel like I'd like to do the same things.


Changmin: I think it's an interdependent relationship. Right now, Yunho is still very useful as a leader, he's gotten older again! I wouldn't be able to take on the role of a leader. If I were to be the leader, I'm sure everybody would have a very hard time and feel extremely pressured (laughs).


Yunho: I do get pressured (by Changmin). Since I am the leader, I wouldn't call it pressure, but if I feel like I can offer advice, then I would. Where other things are concerned, I'll just protect (them) like I've been doing recently.


Changmin: In the past, (I) worked really hard each and every day and there was never really time for self-reflection. Personally, I've never been the type to look into the future, but over the past year, I've learnt to self-evaluate with a more calm and composed mindset and I've come to realize my inner potential. Nowadays I'm always full of hope.


In Korea, the two members still live together. With regard to their own rooms, the two have differing views.


Changmin: Since we moved, I now have my own room. I have a really big TV and a stereo set. It's great playing PS3 with those. I also bought a mni-fridge.


Yunho: My room is quite simple. In order to help sooth my mood, I bought some pale coloured curtains recently as well as a portable cupboard.


Changmin: I don't have that in my room...


Yunho: Because I won when we were playing hand games.


Changmin: But that's all I want/need.


Yunho: My room is small (laughs).


Changmin: When we used to live together, we didn't really spend much time together because both prioritized our individual activities and there really were a lot of them. We made a deal to never make a mess in the house. We don't have that anymore.


Yunho: Also, going out to talk on the phone.


Changmin: Yunho likes to lie on his bed and talk on the phone before going to sleep. I really couldn't stand that when the two of us used to share a room!


Yunho: That's because it's my favourite time of the day. Sorry sorry (laughs).


To conclude, the two of them left us a message…


Yunho: Basically (I'm) really happy to be pursuing my dream once again with a new state of mind.


Changmin: 'Freedom' has many meanings. I want to become someone who is able to convey those meanings. Please watch over me and I'll try hard to communicate in Japanese!


Which one of you is more competitive?


Yunho: I am.

Changmin: I think I'm less competitive. When it comes to things that I'm not particularly interested in, I don't really mind losing because I don't approach it with the mindset of having to do my very best (laughs)'

Yunho: Even when there are no results. Things you can and can't do. Things you can and can't win. Even if there's none of that, I'll still try my hardest.


Can you tell us the secret to achieving your goals?


Yunho: Have confidence. Even if it's a perilous road, one day you will reach your goal. Even when you're feeling dejected, don't avoid the problem, confront it. That way you'll eventually realize that your dreams are in fact attainable.

Changmin: (Clapping/speechless) There are so many things that I'd like to learn from super star Yunho!

Yunho: Liar! (Laughs) Well said!


In what areas would you never lose to one another?


Yunho: Changmin always wins when we play the football game 'Winning Eleven' (sighs)

Changmin: How about comparing the number of books we've read?

Yunho: Both of us really enjoy reading but when it comes to who's read more… Well at the moment I'm reading a book called 'The Secret'

Changmin: Isn't that the one that you just sit and stare blankly at? (laughs)


What do you do to make up for each other's weaknesses?


Yunho: Conversation isn't really necessary, we just make use of the natural atmosphere to help one another. We don't really make any plans (laughs) because we've lived together for so long that we're able to understand one another.

Changmin: Don't have to worry about Yunho at all! He's the perfect leader!!

Yunho: Oh no (laughs)!! I'm not perfect.


Which one of you is luckier?


Yunho: I don't believe in luck. There are things that you have to work hard for. TVXQ did not have much luck when we first started out, but over time we got luckier. That is the mindset I've always maintained. When I was in 'Goong', I didn't have a lot of time for rehearsals and so I'd practice in my own time to make up for it.


To this day, which have been the most pivotal moments?


Yunho: When we first debuted. After that, it was Kohaku. It was an opportunity to showcase our powerful stage performances to those who'd only heard our songs. That was the thought I had in mind as I danced my heart out! Even though I was so nervous, I felt blessed. It was like I had cast a spell on myself 'My dream is coming true right this moment'

Changmin: The first time the two of us stepped on stage as TVXQ in our live performance at SM Town. That was the most nerve-racking moment ever.


Please talk to us about your way of dealing with hardships.


Yunho: Enjoy it while you're enduring it. Don't run from it. It does not only concern me as an individual, it also has an impact on the happiness of those around me.

Changmin: I allow time to past by and try as best as I can to face them.


Which one of you talks about love tactics?


Yunho: I don't.

Changmin: We don't do it because we can't. It's the same for both of us.

Yunho: They're not really tactics. Really… (I) don't know them (laughs)!

Changmin: That person will become the only one I see. Wherever love and romance is concerned, my brain doesn't really function

Yunho: Changmin and I are both rather simple-minded towards love. We rely on our instincts so whenever Changmin is in love, I can tell without him saying.

Changmin Me too! (laughs)


Do you have lucky charms of any sort?

Yunho: Instead of physical objects, (in order to have faith in myself) I have my personal mottos/charms to keep myself motivated and then I smack my chest.

Changmin: You have to hit it till it hurts!

Yunho: No no, just two or three times (laughs)

Changmin: I don't believe in bad luck so I haven't really thought about that kind of thing. I've always believed in myself and being with Yunho makes everything okay.

Yunho: Wow!

Changmin: I feel really good when I'm around Yunho

Yunho: That's because you know me so well


What would you like to achieve as an artist?


Yunho: I want to work hard enough so that people will look at me and say 'No wonder they're Tohoshinki'. I've really matured in a lot of aspects and I hope people will see that.

Changmin: Now that there are only 2 of us instead of 5, whether we're in photo of PV shoots or anything else, it will always be just the two of us. We have to perform better than we are doing now so that we can exceed people's expectations.



Налагам вето и на снимките от VOGUE^^

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Ама може ли да са толкова сладки... :)




Зен, и ти като Блеки днес - фалшивеели... На двете изпълнения по-горе се представиха повече от добре и аз лично не чух никакви дразнещи тонове. Не искам да споменавам за всички останали участници, дори Seungri беше по-слаб на моменти от тях. Юно имаше едно две пропадания на гласа, ама болен човек - толкова да може, май само те са способни на това.


Не знам дали четохте новината за становището на корейските продуценти - ако JYJ спечелели в съда, това щяло да окаже лошо влияние върху индустрията.

От една страна, не мога да не се съглася, че има ли прецедент, всеки, който му скимне, може да реши да съди компанията си и да се отцепи от наложила се група. От друга страна, да ти казват, че не е правилно да развалиш нещо, което те спъва, пречи и вреди - също не ми се струва разумно. Страхуват се да почне вълна от недоволни звезди да водят дела, с което да стопират възхода явно. Но то каквото повикало... Не може вечно да експлоатират талантливи и наивни деца, мислейки само за печалба.

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Как ти позволи сърцето да го направиш? Сериозно? ^^


Не съм казала, че са зле, но не беше блестящо. Както и да е, мина и замина, танцовата част беше разкошна, но като почна клипа с миналогодишните МАМА и претръпнах...Тя оная награда сега при кой е...При едните или при другите?


Четох и това изявление, но както пишеше някъде...Комапниите няма да спрат да казват "Ние дадохме всичко, което имаме, за да можете да сте тука", а звездите няма да спрат "Дадохме всичко от себе си, сега нека си получим заслуженото".


Според мен трябва да им се позволи да си прекратят договора, но да си платят неустойките, защото те са го подписали. Не някой друг, а те самите. И имат правото да го прекратят, но трябва да се съобразят с условията, за на които самите те са се съгласили. Експлоатират, експлоатират, ама сега триото не е като да се възползва от славата, която имаше благодарение именно на СМ. И не ги обвинявам или съдя, просто си има две страни. Тук е до това как всеки приема договора...За едни 13 години означава сигурност, за други обаче твърде силно обвързване. Тук за мен лично идва въпросът...Защо само те са с такъв договор? Нито ХОТ, нито Супер Джуниър, нито Шайни, ни СНСД...Всички са със стандартния 5 годишен договор...Тогава защо те са с 13? СМ знаели ли са наистина какво всъщност ще постигнат или?


Единственото, за което мога да се ядосам на тримата е, че не взеха предвид статуса си. Защото освен с огромна фен база, те бяха(за 5 членния формат говоря) най-влиятелните, най-добрите, най-известните, тези чийто пример всички следваха. Начинът, по който се случиха нещата, не беше правилен. Но каквото и да е, техните действоя се отразиха не само на тях тримата и на другите двама. Много хора загубиха пари, зад тях стояха не само големите лоши чичковци, но масата хора екип, който също беше вложил всичко от себе си...Както и да е, минало заминало. Искам да се прекрати всичко. Не може да е в тяхна полза, но не може и СМ да победят, Трябва компромис.


ХоМин на 8 февруари ще ги гледаме в Strong Heart <3

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Lyrics To A Song Without A Name Part 1 by Yoochun

A Song Without a Name PART 1

Have I ever told you this.

After a probation period of a few months in 2003, we, the team members, finished our first task with ease
In 2004, we were the employee of the month, with countless top results, but we couldn't feel content with just that
We were unable to contain ourselves and we started wanting more.

2005, we embarked into the overseas market, we thought everything would go smoothly like it had in Korea.
On our first attempt, we had the worst results possible and that was when my confidence started to drop.

A language we couldn't even speak
Every day we'd be at our lodgings or the office
An imprisonment that they claimed wasn't an imprisonment, saying it was for our own good

An excessive amount of solitude, tears and rage
These were what made us one
Saying that we couldn't part ways no matter what happened
Saying that we should always be together
Saying that we should resemble each other's good points
We said these things in our hearts and kept running

One day, we finally reached that top position we had so earnestly wanted
We each took our phones and contacted our families and friends.

That day had finally arrived.
From then on, everything started to go so well.

Records selling hundreds of thousands, winning every award out there and harvesting the fruits of our labor.
It felt like even when we cried, those tears dropped softly

The reason we were happier than any joy or sorrow
We, who never gave up and ran till the end
The reason we were stronger than anything else, was because we were one

You have already changed. (I can't stay in that spot forever)
I'll be the first to turn my back on you. (I can't be shedding tears forever)
I'll call out your name, though you keep going so far away (Fly me high into that sky)

We had been running for quite some time.
When we were surrounded by an unexpected, big wall
And the thought, 'Has it always been this dark' stayed in my head for a long time.

Once, this happened.
With the ever growing business expenses, and the increasing debts
The situation became something I could no longer handle on my own

Our CEO had once said these words to us
Tell me whenever you need something. Because we will always be family to each other.

Tell me whenever you need something.
Remembering those words, I took the courage to call him and ask him a favor.

Though I had this strange feeling inside of me, he was the only person I could rely on back then.
Because we were a family who would stay together forever.

Though I built up the courage to ask him a favor, all I received was a cold refusal.
His words made me so mad, but I contained myself and asked him once more to help me out.

He hung up on me.

I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face.
I couldn't think straight because he wasn't the family I had always believed he was till then.

When he needed us, we were family to him. When we needed him, we were strangers.

More amazing things happened as more time passed.
Hearing that we had finally struck gold overseas and brought in results so unimaginably astronomical,
I walked into the office with a spring in my step to receive my pay.

Our team members were looking at each other with excited gazes.
We complimented each other on how hard we had worked.

But the statement of accounts we received said we were at a deficit
I thought I had seen the figures wrong so I checked again
Everything was listed under expenses
Damn it, how could all that money have gone towards paying expenses.
What kind of expenses were there to make that much money vanish?

I couldn't believe my eyes so I asked them to show me the detailed statement of accounts that I had never seen before.
They told me they would show it to me, but I ended up never seeing those few sheets of paper as all I did was work.

The amount of questions I had grew the more time passed.
The headaches grew the more our team members got together and thought about it.

If I was to say just one last thing
Are the things we do for the company
Really and truly things that are for the company?

Sure, let's say they were. We, the kind souls, will let that one slide.
We will forget it, for the company, and for us, who have been together for so many years.
But that isn't right, those aren't things you should be saying to us.

Were you seriously planning on disappointing us till the very end?
When you called, all you did was talk about our team members behind each other's back, it was so hard to trust you.

This is exactly like what our seniors said. Did you want to keep the ones who'd still willingly make money for you?
A senior told me that the family the company always talked about, would make it hard for us to survive if we left the company
Those words refuse to leave my mind

Though I have so much more to say,
I can't because I feel so frustrated at the thought that someone will torment us more when this song is released.

Anyway, though life is hard, we are working hard and doing well.
We are trying to really smile though we continue to be tormented by someone.

This effort of ours is not the effort of a mere product.
It is the effort that is driven by the thought
That we want to die with no regrets when we leave this earth.

-Commentary by Yoochun-

Yes, in the end, it's JYJ.

Yesterday and tomorrow, though I've thought about it all day long
I can truly feel the difference between then and now at 25, my age

I will now put this pen down.
But my heart it at ease right now.

Because I am able to feel the love of our fans......
I'm thinking of sharing the load I have kept in my heart all this time.
Though nothing is ever easy, my heart is at ease.
I'm happy because we have our fans for our family,
I'm always thinking of you all......
I love you.

So could you believe in us till the end.
Could you tell us that you love us.
We'll work hard till forever, so could you stay by our side.

Because we still have you
And you still have us

I promise, that I'll show you everything eventually.
Yes, we are JYJ.

"You have raised the palace walls and firmly closed the door
They say that love is not imprisonment
Love is letting go to fly freely
But I don't even expect that much
For we, who you made, are not even worth half of half of half of that.
We are nothing but eternal frogs living in a well."
(Excerpt from the musical 'Mozart!')

Though I still have so much to say
I will end it here.

credit : tohosomnia

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