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KBS и K Content Production, са решили да наградят четиримата главни и снимачната група, с почивка на Филипините.Те от своя страна благодарили и казали,че ще дадат всичко от себе си в последните две серии,за още по-голям успех на драмата и зрителите да ги подкрепят










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A, дано, тия мигащи очички и поклащащи се краченца, и другите двама красавци, 

ни изненадат още по-приятно - със страхотен финал и още по-перфектна игра! :up::kissy:

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Излезе и песента на Ji Sung към драмата :)




Останаха само още 2 епизода, а не знам как ще разкрият всички тези тайни - сигурно ще ни струпат всичко наведнъж и послееее... айде чао :)

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То няма какво да ни разкриват на нас като всичко на всичко има три брейкпойнта дето са по неясни -

катастрафата защото всичко беше направено супер дървено с някви хвърчащи бидони и найлони като така и не дадоха как удрят тялото (ама кръвта по бронята говори достатъчно), момента, когато прокурора остана сам с бащата на Ю Джунг и смъртта на детето. Най голямата глупост ще е ако почнат да сеят "изненади" в тея три момента и това е единственото дето може да поразвали финала на този сериал. Особено за катастрофата ако изкарат, че някой друг е виновен или ако изкарат момченцето из някое сиропиталище ни в клин ни в ръкав направо не знам...

Общо взето най голямата интрига е самите герои да разберат какво точно се е случило и да изкарат истината наяве, като разбира се прокурора го отнесе.

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Текстът на песента на Ji Sung, не видях източника.



Like a fool, like a fool, I smile and smile and cry again
How can our love be this painful? I smile and smile and cry again

The wind blows and swallows my body
Even if I have nothing, I can’t live without you

I love you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
My love is like a storm, making my heart explode
I can only be as far away from you as I can allow it
No one can stop me
This is what my foolish love says

I hug you from behind and I cry and cry and cry again

The wind blows and swallows my body
Even if I have nothing, I can’t live without you

I love you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
My love is like a storm, making my heart explode
I can only be as far away from you as I can allow it
No one can stop me
This is what my foolish love says

My love for you hurts more than saying goodbye
But I can’t let you go
Only you

I love you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
My love is like a storm, making my heart explode
I can only be as far away from you as I can allow it
No one can stop me
My foolish love calls you


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То няма какво да ни разкриват на нас като всичко на всичко има три брейкпойнта дето са по неясни -

катастрафата защото всичко беше направено супер дървено с някви хвърчащи бидони и найлони като така и не дадоха как удрят тялото (ама кръвта по бронята говори достатъчно), момента, когато прокурора остана сам с бащата на Ю Джунг и смъртта на детето. Най голямата глупост ще е ако почнат да сеят "изненади" в тея три момента и това е единственото дето може да поразвали финала на този сериал. Особено за катастрофата ако изкарат, че някой друг е виновен или ако изкарат момченцето из някое сиропиталище ни в клин ни в ръкав направо не знам...

Общо взето най голямата интрига е самите герои да разберат какво точно се е случило и да изкарат истината наяве, като разбира се прокурора го отнесе.



To за бащата се разбра -

ония го беше намерил и го беше изоставил и бащата беше умрял от измръзване (само не разбирам какъв е тоя климат в Корея, че вечер може да се умре от измръзване, ама нейсе).

Иначе, да, остава нататък да видим какво ще спретнат.

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То няма какво да ни разкриват на нас като всичко на всичко има три брейкпойнта дето са по неясни -

катастрафата защото всичко беше направено супер дървено с някви хвърчащи бидони и найлони като така и не дадоха как удрят тялото (ама кръвта по бронята говори достатъчно), момента, когато прокурора остана сам с бащата на Ю Джунг и смъртта на детето. Най голямата глупост ще е ако почнат да сеят "изненади" в тея три момента и това е единственото дето може да поразвали финала на този сериал. Особено за катастрофата ако изкарат, че някой друг е виновен или ако изкарат момченцето из някое сиропиталище ни в клин ни в ръкав направо не знам...

Общо взето най голямата интрига е самите герои да разберат какво точно се е случило и да изкарат истината наяве, като разбира се прокурора го отнесе.


Освен тези, има и нещо мътно в семейството на Мин Хьок. Дали мащехата му всъщност е негова майка или има нещо друго, което я свързва с майка му и което я кара така да го обича и да се грижи за него, въпреки лошото му отношение. А сестричката пък изглежда не й е дъщеря. Изобщо незнам как ще намерят време и с тези сюжетни нишки, които пуснаха, да ни занимаят или ще претупат нещата и ще си останем без отговорите, заради съкратения брой епизоди. Остана съвсем малко, за да разберем.

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Да спретнат една сватба и едно погребение, че много сладкото е вредно  :28558:

Изгледах серията, какво разбрах(разхвърляната спалня на заден план напълно я разбрах ;) ), какво не разбрах(бракуваха ли се или беше фотосесия само), ще чакам превод, че много емоциии имаше, но  още едно със сигурност разбрах

Майката и каза, че Сан е жив,като последна възможност да я умилостиви и да спаси сина си.


Ето и анонсът към 16 епизод



У Джонг разбира шокиращата новост за Сан.Полицията започва разследване ,по обвинението предявено към отпадъка. Се Юн  се убеждава в безразличието на Мин Хьок.Той се готви да замине.  У Джонг се отправя към летището.В края на крайщата, всички тайни са разкрити.



Редактирано от Lawandula
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Преразказ на епизода, който му се чете, моля


източник     http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2019700/current-drama-2013-secret-secret-love-%EB%B9%84%EB%B0%80-here-s-to-the-final-week/p556




So we have a quick montage of past events before we go back to where episode 14 ended- DH’s call to YJ and the showdown that happened with DH, SY, and MH. YJ listens anxiously on the phone.

DH scoffs that blaming this entire thing on YJ will put her in distress anyways, and MH yells furiously to leave YJ alone. SY looks on, hurt (but idk what you thought would happen??????????? Definitely not taking any classes from you on how to get a guy bc you literally did everything to make MH dislike you so)

“You’re going to have to choose between that supposed ‘great love’ and your luxurious seat at K Group,” DH threatens smoothly. “I’m sure you’ll be choosing K Group.” DH is both smug and sure- he’s 110% positive that MH will choose K Group and asks him, “Can you really say in the end that we’re different?”

MH’s answer is simple; he calls YJ and gives DH his answer.

MH: “Yoo Jung-ah, listen to me.”
YJ: “Are you okay?”
MH: “Ignore what he said- do what you were going to do anyways.”
YJ: “Sajang-nim-“
MH: “You trust me, right? Nothing crashes down that easily. Trust me and go.”

SY’s expression is a mixture of horrified surprise and hurt and DH clenches his jaw. YJ falters and cries for just a second before taking a deep breath. She walks into the police station. (She trusts him!!!!!!!!! She trusts him enough to put what she needs to do FINALLY before someone else)

MH ends the phone call and addresses DH first before turning to SY- “I already told you before- that we’re different.”

He then looks to SY and says, “I’m meeting your dad later today. The news of our engagement being called off goes out tomorrow.”

SY looks at him furiously. “Are you really going to go that far? Is that woman really that great?”

But MH is steadfast and continues to speak. “This marriage was broken because of me. I’ll take full responsibility so that it doesn’t affect you. I’m sorry for dragging this out so long.

SY yells his name out, but to no avail. Before she walks out, he tells her to come back to the SY he once knew. The image she carries today doesn’t suit her.

MH accuses DH of using SY just as he did with YJ, and the two continue to exchange threats.

MH: “I won’t regret it. Making YJ give up what she wants to do just to save my own neck- that’s something I’d regret more.”

The words cut to the bone and the meaning is clear- DH knows exactly what MH is alluding to, and both know the real truth behind the accident.

DH: “I won’t go down by myself. If I do- you’re coming with me.”

Afterwards, YJ and MH meet at that large bench again.

MH: “You’re okay, right?”
YJ: “Yes. What about you?”

He hugs her in response.

MH: “As long as you’re okay, I’m good. Tomorrow, the news of the engagement being called off goes. It’s my choice. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just stay by my side, okay?”

YJ smiles and nods.

Deeeeeeeennnnnnnn we cut to DH and that guy and they’re being all secretive like wow talking about K Group stuff and we all know IZ ABOUT TO GET DOWN

Back at YJ’s home, YJ’s cute little friend is doing yoga and watching the news. DH is on, trying to accuse and expose K Group of corruption, and her friend quickly tries to turn off the TV before YJ sees, but YJ’s seen it all. MH’s father has stopped the news of the finished engagement from going out as he rests in his hospital bed. MH is furious- but MH’s father is just as furious as he watches DH on the TV trying to take K Group down.

MH tries to enter the building of DH’s workplace, and paparazzi mobs him with questions as GS tries to ward them off.

DH’s workers apologize and explain that DH didn’t come out to work today, and MH does plenty of yelling while he’s there, slamming DH’s name plate on the table.

MH: “Gwang soo-ya- let’s go see Hyung. We can’t let this go like this.”

Meanwhile, as DH leaves from someplace and gets into his car, YJ slides smoothly into the seat next to him as well. Ah ah ah taking stalking lessons from ur bf I see how cute

DH looks at her like wtf

DH: “What are you doing right now?”
YJ: “And what about you? What are you doing?
DH: “I already said that I’m not going down by myself. I’m going to go in with your beloved MH.”
YJ: “Leave it alone. Leave it alone right now.”
DH: “Try and stop me. It’ll be hard. Everything I said was the truth.”
YJ: “The truth? Well then, all I’ll have to do is say the truth too- the truth about what kind of person you are.”
DH: “Get off.”

YJ leaves, but pauses to give him just about the dirtiest look, and I don’t blame her.

She walks back home, and ooooooooooooof course, MH follows. He hides behind a building quickly before peering out playfully, and YJ laughs. MH tries to joke, but YJ stares at him balefully.

MH: “Look here- it’s not so worrisome! That’s why I’m here!”
YJ: “But still, because of me-“

MH stops her and takes her hands into his. “Didn’t I tell you not to say anything like that again? Just say it’s going to be okay.” He smiles at her playfully. “Say it’s going to be okay!”

YJ smiles and says it just as he wishes, and this scene feels so odd like ok I recapped this after I watched the episode so I know how it ends but already it feels like the two are going to separate and this is MH’s way of convincing himself that it’s not going to happen

Anyways, MH says hopefully, “And now that you’ve said it’s going to be okay, everything’s going to be okay.” He reaches in to hold her and rubs and pats her back- it reminds me of the way my own mom used to pat my back when I was a kid and like I said it’s just making me feel like there is going to be separation THERE ARE GOING TO BE TEARS IN THIS EPISODE

Back at SY’s home, ruins of a sculpture, pictures of her and DH, and files lie all over the floor. DH storms in and sees that SY sports a bloody lip as well.

When he asks her what happened, SY almost sneeringly smiles that her father came by, and the scene becomes clearer. It’s almost enough to make me feel bad for SY although tbh I’ve always felt bad for her not in the sense that I sympathized with her but that I seriously pitied her like she’s always felt to me this spoiled little kid still stuck in that stage when kids think the world revolves around them and she’s just throwing temper tantrums because she can’t get the one thing she wants and she wants in on this game that DH, MH, and YJ are playing

Toddlers have a way of wanting to claim things as theirs (even if it’s not theirs) and it’s extremely flawed logic- this appears to be the logic SY has.

Anyways, DH is furious (dude like srsly what is it that makes SY so much better than YJ that you care about what happens to SY and just no) and he tells her that he could quit all of this right now. She sneers- and if they quit?

“Will you go away with me?” DH asks, almost hopefully, but SY’s response is ever the same. She sneers again and turns away, but DH stops her again.

“You told me you wanted to go,” he states and pulls her into a hug. “Let’s go. And you can do everything you ever wanted to do.”

SY thanks him and for a second DH is fooled- but she’s thanking him for helping her and MH to get married. DH is surprised and furious, and he lets go of her, but ok I’m focused on SY’s face right now. For someone who’s finally getting what she wants, she looks hopeless and miserable.

At MH’s house, his stepmom confronts him about the marriage with SY, and MH tells her to leave, but the conversation takes a different turn w hen she begins to talk about mothering him.

MH’s stepmom: “I raised you- I raised you! Are you going to make your father die and regret it for the rest of your life just for some girl like that?”

She’s hit the wrong chord- MH stands up, furious.

MH: “Just because of someone like you- because of you, my father threw away my mother!”
MH’s stepmom: “Do you really not know? Or are you pretending to not know? I came into this house on your mother’s request. Your father did look at me favorably, but that was it with him. You know that your mom had a hard time here as the wife of the K Group chairman. Your mom was the one who requested that I care for you and your father.”
MH: “What kind of ridiculous-“
MH’s stepmom: “Fine! Don’t trust me. Don’t trust that there’s a love ridiculous as that too.”

She finishes the conversation by telling him to report to his father tomorrow and leaves.

YJ leaves her house to get the police station and sees GS waiting, informing her that MH has instructed him to take YJ there. (GS is smiling watawataw?????????????????????????????) YJ thanks him and peers curiously at the car to see if MH is there (CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE), and GS notices. He tells her that MH is busy today and YJ nods in understanding.

At the police station, IT’S CRAZY TENSE. The two are throwing words out, trying to explain what happened. DH acknowledges that yes, he was in the car with YJ’s father, but after he parked somewhere, the dad fled. HE EVEN LIES AND SAYS THAT YJ WAS AT THE CLUB DRINKING THAT DAY BEING CARELESS ABOUT HER FATHER HE WAS JUST TRYIN TO HELP HER HAHAHAHAHAHAHA REAL FUNNY DH REAL FUNNY GOOD JOKE OK NO NO NO

YJ is relentless though- she talks about the bracelet that the wearer can’t remove on their own, and she mentions the shop lady who said that her father was not confused that day and was clearheaded-er than ever, even recognizing people.

The two leave the dark interrogation room.

YJ: “This is the start. That day, what happened between you and my dad- you’re going to be confessing it all in front of me.”
DH: “No matter how much of a tantrum you throw, you can’t accuse me of anything. It’s a waste of time.”
YJ: “Even if it takes the rest of my life, I’ll waste my time. Your sins are going to be said from your own mouth-
DH: “Do you know what people who have nothing mistakenly think? That truth has jung- don’t think that. There’s nothing like that. Don’t you see? Love, jung- that’s something only powerful people can hold onto. That’s why we’ve become this way.” (in case you guys don’t know what jung is, it can’t really be translated into the English language but as a rough translation, it means kind of an attachment people share that can often seem like love but isn’t necessarily love)

His words ring true- those with less can’t afford to get stuck on things like love and jung. They have to fight to live in this world and while I can’t stand what DH has done and while his choices were his entirely, I do feel like he’s a product of society’s evils. His ambition and desire for the class and wealth he never had got to him- the wealthy have privileges the poor never will.

YJ looks at him, disgusted. “How did you end up this way?”

She storms off and MH’s lawyer friend person walks by. It appears to begin as a casual conversation, but it takes for a darker turn.

“Didn’t I tell you that MH isn’t just any friend?” he says, having heard about what’s happened with the K Groups and the rumors surrounding DH.

DH deflects and says that MH is the one who’s committed a wrong, not him, but MH’s lawyer friend is uninterested in what DH has to say and instead comments on YJ, who he recognizes as the woman associated with the hit-and-run case.

“I should ask for a special favor and take on your case myself.” The threat isn’t lost on DH, and he sits in his car, obvs stressing over his stupid life decisions

Ok guise DH has such nice eyelashes though like damn ok

DH and MH meet at the top of some ginormous building and have their billionth showdown, except a lot’s changed since they first met. Curiously, MH doesn’t yell quite as loudly or as much in this episode and seems a little gentler (which is good I can’t stand yelling)

DH: “Congratulations on your marriage. Her father seems to have stopped by. The person who made SY hurt that much is you.”

MH smiles.

DH: “I don’t have anything more to lose. YJ used to say that people with more had to be more nervous. You have a lot more than I do. At one point, I used to want to take it from you, but it seems to be a little more difficult than I thought it would. So now I just plan on losing everything with you.”
MH: “I have no plans on going with you.”
DH: “That 650,000 I’ll take on- but Shinhwa and K Group will go down together.”
MH: “K Group’s not some company to be taken down by just one person like you.”
DH: “It’s not just me. I’ll be doing it with everyone else who’s done with you high- class people.”
MH: “So you think anything’s going to change? I thought you were smart.”

MH is incredibly smug in this entire conversation, but DH suddenly surprises him (and me like wat).

“Seo Ji-Hee’s hit and run case- I drove the car, not Yoo-Jung.”

MH’s smug smile begins to slip off his face and I’m sitting here like ok what is this game he’s playing at now like what could he possibly hope to gain from saying this out loud I mean like wat

“Do you plan on recording me? Or should I say it again? I killed her. Yoo-Jung said that she would go to jail for me. You’ve seen how she is- I protested, but it was to no avail.

MH yells his name loudly as he tends to do when he gets angry- “Ahn Do-Hoon!”

DH: “That’s the kind of woman Yoo-jung is. She gave up her life for something as stupid as love. The files, the recordings you have- do as you wish with them. But I’m a little curious; your woman who even I couldn’t protect… will you be able to protect her with things like files and recordings?”
MH: “Don’t mess with Yoo-Jung.”
DH: “I won’t. The more you fall, she’ll fall with you anyways.”

MH knows DH is right, painfully painfully right, and he grabs onto DH’s collar and we see a glimpse of the old MH again, but this is some serious character development right here because instead of yelling, MH speaks quietly.

“Pitiful bastard. Do you not know what it is you’ve really lost?” he says, implying that he’s lost something bigger than YJ’s love or his own son. He’s lost his soul, his conscience, the good inside him, and DH knows it.

“You’re the guy that YJ once loved so much- don’t act this way.”

MH leaves and for the first time, I feel like I’m seeing something else in DH. You can almost see the emotions play across his face- he smirks rather evilly I must say, but he closes his eyes and you can see the tears begin to form, almost as if that latent good inside of him is trying to get out, but he laughs again. DH doesn’t plan on changing.

At the hospital, MH’s father tries to get up, unable to see his company being destroyed like this. MH gets him to sit down, and for once, they seem to share a moment that’s more than yelling or being disappointed or whatever it is that they always did. MH’s father tells him that MH needs to save the company, that he has the power to do it, but MH shakes his head.

“You know I’m not that great or powerful of a guy.” Holy crap and I love this line so much bc we’re finally seeing more to MH besides him having the dirtiest temper and loving YJ furiously- he doesn’t see more in himself. He can’t see it. “The only thing I want to hold onto right now is that woman.”

MH’s father sighs as if he understands- love. It’s love, and he knows it, but as time goes by, you forget about all of it and I CAN ALMOST SMELL IT HE’S GOING TO START TALKING ABOUT MH’S MOM AND SURE AS DAYLIGHT HE DOES

MH’s mom was the daughter of a gambler in debt. MH’s father cared for her and wanted her by his side (using almost the exact language MH does when he explains how we wants YJ by his side), and so he took her in, debt and all. He built K Group’s first hotel for her, and at the opening ceremony, MH’s mom smiled so radiantly. That was the last time MH’s dad saw her smile like that ever again.

“Because of one guy like you, I won’t let K Hotel fall like that. I can’t be okay with that. I don’t speak as your father trying to be greedy over a building- I’m asking you as the company’s protector to protect K Hotel so that everything Gwang-Min worked for won’t be a waste. I beg of you.”

MH’s stepmom’s voice is so grating like omg her voice is really high anyways back at MH’s home she’s called her to see YJ and she forces her to see what’s happening.

Stepmom: “I said we’d see each other again. Do you see this? The house is completely empty. I sent my daughter off to a different country for now in case this would worry her. You saw the news, right? If MH calls off the engagement with SY, the company’s going to be in even more trouble. Are you going to make the person you love guilty of crime just like you? Is that your way of loving someone?”
YJ: “Samo-nim-“
stepmom: “The chairman’s health isn’t good. If MH leaves the company like this, it’ll get worse. MH would never be happy just being with you and throwing away his father. Do I need to say anymore?”

YJ falters and it’s clear that both women do care for MH although it so often seems that the stepmom is antagonistic (but tbh the stepmom is just as bad looking down on people for being lower class and spoiling her daughter like that like wow you sent her to a foreign country bc you were worried she would worry??????????????????/ like man that privilege)

YJ: “Sajangnim- when he’s happy, he gets frustrated. When he’s thankful, he gets angry. But when he’s in pain, he doesn’t show it. He looks like he’s having troubles because of his mother’s death. Right now, you’re his mother. Please take care of him for me.”

Please take care of him for me

Please take care of him for me

Oh god please take care of him for me UR GOING TO LEAVE HIM ARENT U

She calls him that night asks him to see her tomorrow.

They meet at her father’s grave, to MH’s surprise.

YJ: “I wasn’t able to take care of my father as he passed away. If ever I think about how lonely he must have been… it hurts a lot. I know this because I’ve thrown away my father over my own greed and the person I loved. I know how big of a regret it is to do that.
MH: “Yoo Jung-ah-“
YJ: “Then how could I ever ask you to do the same?”
MH: “Don’t talk. Don’t say anything.”

YJ walks over to him. His stance is like a child, and his hands are balled into fists. She carefully takes his hand and holds it, but MH lets go just as quickly as she talks. She doesn’t want these restaurant workers to lose their jobs because of her. She can’t ever ask that of him. She doesn’t want to live being sorry to other people ever again.

MH protests that those people don’t matter, and he says to YJ what he says to his dad- he’s not that great of a guy, he’s not that powerful. He can’t even protect his own woman- what more do people expect from him?

But they’re both fighting a losing battle, and MH knows it. He acts like a child, yelling, “No, I don’t want it, I don’t want it! You just have to be next to me. Don’t talk like this!”

At MH’s house, DH comes into his office. MH pulls out the files and recordings of DH in the drawer and in front of DH, tells GS to get rid of them?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LIKE I SAID HE KNOWS HE’S FIGHTING A LOSING BATTLE AND THIS MEANS THAT HE’S GETTING READY TO GIVE UP YJ

DH smiles, victorious.

The next day, MH waits for YJ by her house with his car. “Yoo Jung-ah, play with me.”

YJ looks at him, and it’s like she already knows what’s going to happen I KNOW WHAT’S ALREADY GOING TO HAPPEN YOU’RE ALL IDIOTS I HATE ALL OF YOU YOU’RE GOING TO SEPARATE AND ALL YJ CAN SAY IS“You want me to cut work?”

MH nods. “Just for today.” God godogodogdodo the meaning isn’t lost on us ok we know what this means WE KNOW THIS JUST FOR TODAY KOREAN CLICHÉ

“Just… for today. We’ll play just for today.” YJ agrees and smiles.

The two drive off and visit a temple, where YJ prays intently. They head to the market and are just being cute and holding hands and playing with crabs and being cute before they head home and YJ cooks him dinner.

MH complains that he can’t eat spicy things seeing as YJ’s made him ddukbokki, but upon eating it, he grins. “It’s not spicy! It’s delicious!” The two smile happily.

“I picked a great employee,” he jokes. “Should we just forget everything and live together in a little house like this?”

“Should we?” YJ pretends to entertain the thought and MH smiles again. She feeds him another dduk as they sit together in silence. YJ tells her not to look at her like that- he should smile. Today should be remembered forever as a good memory. And so he smiles.

The two walk out and gaze out into the night together.

YJ: “Sajang-nim… aren’t you going to go back?”
MH: “I guess I need to... we must’ve come too far. It’s going to be too hard to go back. But I wish that the rest of my life could be like this day.”
YJ: “Then it wouldn’t be any fun! Let’s just make tomorrow today too. Just tomorrow.”

He holds her face and kisses her and we know where this is going to go they are going to have the sexy tiems ok there is nothing to translate there for me they are just goig to have the sexy tiems so enjoy guise enjoy the sexy tiems

Later the two cuddle and she reads to him, but abruptly stops reading. MH wants to know what the character said, but she tells him to read it after she leaves.

MH: “I want you to read it to me now before you go.”
YJ: “If I keep looking at the book, I can’t see your face. Right now, let’s just stay like this for a little longer.”

The two rest comfortably and he falls asleep sitting up which is like lol he must’ve been really tired I wonder why ha ha ha ok I stop

When he wakes up, YJ is already gone. He picks up the book to see what it is that YJ wouldn’t read to him.

Meanwhile, as YJ walks away, we hear her voiceover:

“I think what the grandpa in the book was saying was right. Without someone to love, people can’t live.”

MH cries as he touches the book and reads it. “Love someone? How? Yoo Jung-ah, how could this be love when it hurts this much? When it hurts like crazy? You’re saying this is love?”

YJ’s voiceover: “Yes, it’s love. When you think of someone… that pain, that loneliness- that’s love too.”

YJ walks up to the bus stop and the bus arrives, and the scene is so so incredibly familiar to what we saw last week, but MH isn’t there to stop her from getting on this time.

YJ’s voiceover: “Sajangnim- Min Hyuk ssi (HALLELUJAH SHE FINALLY SAID HIS NAME UGH)… when I think of you, it hurts.”

MH clutches the book to his chest and YJ leaves on the bus.

And then the drama focuses on the barbed wire of a fence near the bus stop and then suddenly shows the Secret intro with the raindrops thing again??????????????? That was random

YJ arrives home, and the unni is eating breakfast. She moves to prepare some breakfast for YJ, but YJ is looking for reassurance. She shouldn’t like someone like him, right? She made the right decision, right? Sending him away was the right thing to do, right? Right?

The unni sighs a yes, and YJ starts to cry.

“Is it really right? Then why do I keep crying?”

The unni quietly says that it’d be stranger if she didn’t cry after sending someone away, and YJ continues to cry.

SY waits for MH at her little wedding photoshoot (Lee Da Hee looks lovely although I’m not really a big fan of the one strap dress), and upon waiting for a while, she swipes away the glass and flowers on the table.

“This dress- just rip it apart.”

She prepares to leave, but lo and behold, MH has arrived. She looks at him and almost seems to scoff. He wraps his hand around her waist.

At DH’s parents’ restaurant, paparazzi crowd the little restaurant, wanting to know more about DH and the situation unfolding.

At SY’s house, in the meantime, DH waits (do u have no pride man SHE’S NOT INTERESTED). SY thanks him for breaking YJ and MH up, but doesn’t appear to be all too happy.

DH: “Are you happy with this?”
SY: “I already told you. It had to be in my grasp at least once.”

SY and MH enter a hotel. “I heard you got different rooms for us? Just cancel the honeymoon- I have no intention of going.” She’s bitter and ready to fight, but MH is done with all of this. He asks her if this is fun for her. It’s not fun for him. She brushes him off easily though and strangely enough, she’s finally gotten what she’s wanted, but can’t seem to look happy in any way.

Meanwhile, YJ quits her job at the restaurant. She spots a paper as she walks away and sees the cover of it- SY and MH. MH stares balefully from the picture while SY has managed a tiny smile in the picture.

YJ heads over to DH’s parents’ restaurant as she waits for DH. The mom tries to get her to leave while the dad tries to talk to her outside, but YJ is relentless (U GO BB I’M PROUD OF U). She sits where she is, asking why SHE has to leave.

Finally, finally, YJ confronts the parents about her father. DH’s father looks on nervously while DH’s mother tries to fight back, insisting YJ has gone absolute crazy. She accuses YJ of being a murderer and going crazy and trying to stop DH’s path to doing great things, but YJ laughs.

“Do you still want to believe that? Don’t say that you didn’t know. Oppa drove. You remember the next day- I stopped by your house to get the keys.” DH’s dad looks away shamefully.

“What are you talking about?” The mom is adamant, but YJ continues, threatening to go out there and tell everyone.

DH’s mother tells YJ she’s absolutely disgusting, but YJ counters. What’s really disgusting is what DH did- and what’s she got to be afraid of if her son is supposedly so innocent? DH’s mom gets on her knees and DH rushes into the restaurant. Both seem prepared to carry this on further (although DH doesn’t seem to be mad- he seems more stricken), but the words that come out of DH’s mom’s mouth stops the both of them.


YJ stops. DH stops. Silence ensues.

“Don’t you want to see San?”

YJ turns slowly.

“San- your son- don’t you miss him?”

Even DH looks surprised (so I guess DH didn’t know either wait wat?????????????) and YJ looks furious FOR WHICH I DON’T BLAME HER


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Tази "сестричка" е най безмисленият персонаж в драмата. Смисъл не допринесе с абсолютно нищо за действието и просто седи като декор в онази къща колкото да се запълват столовете на онази голяма маса в къщата дето вечеряха и Джи Сънг се разправяше с татко си и мащехата. <_<   Имаше няколко реплики, коя от коя по банални и това и беше. Мразя такива персонажи тип мебел! Актрисата сигурно е някаква връзкарка дето е искала да присъства в драмата и накрая тоя дето му се е молила е решил да и войдиса. А можеха да развият нещо примерно с нея и бодигарда на Джи Сънг, той човека си ме кефи някъв робот ама свърши страхотна работа, и аз искам такава дясна ръка и да го пращам за разни поръчки! cigarl.gif

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15 серия е отвратителна помия, съставена от всички най-тъпи корейски клишета и само превъртането спасява от гаденето и чупенето на скъпа техника. Както казах преди, сценаристите с една врътка унищожиха всичко добро дотук и превърнаха прекрасния сериал в третокачествена сапунка, каквито се бълват по 20-30 на година. Вече се радвам, че остава само една серия и отивам да си изтрия гласа за "Най-добър сериал на 2013 г.".

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Да се срещат по няколко пъти на ден и да се гледат все едно не са се виждали седмици и на мен ми дойде в повече.

И този "коз в ръкава" накрая направо ми развали цялата картинка.

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Здравейте. Много харесвам драмата. Още съм на началните епизоди, затова не смея да ви чета мненията, за да не се спойлвам. Искам да попитам дали знаете как се казва инструментала, който пускат доста често, особено, когато дават заглавието на драмата на черен фон и капеща вода? Сещам се последно за 7-ми епизод. Песента започва от момента, в които MIn Hyuk и Se Yeon се засичат в коридора пред книгите и в края на сцената той я блъска, а тя му препоръча да чете "Брулени Хълмове", накрая дават точно заглавието на черния фон и водата. Много ще съм Ви благодарна. :) 

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Изгледах го, чак и без субтитри. :D Отдавна не съм чакала сериал с толкова голям интерес. Накрая беше ясно, че малко ще го претупат, но въпреки това съм доволна. Демоните изчезнаха от всички и доброто победи. Нищо не се забравя, добро или лошо, то чака в пространството някой ден, да бъде разкрито. Любимия ми момент ще си остане с рейса и жълтите гинкота.Много красива сцена. Въпреки, че им съкратиха проекта, смятам че в сценаристите има потенциал. Убедена съм, че ще бъдат наградени за усилията си, както и актьорския състав. :)

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Страхотен финал! Последните епизоди бяха претрупани наистина, но си заслужаваше гледането! Насладете се на

страхотния Хепи Енд!~


Редактирано от katomova
Моля, използвайте спойлери!
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Аз пък доживях да не съм горе-долу на едно мнение с Дидо :)(40+9= табу :28558: )


Клишета, да ,но той животът си е точно това, следваме всеки ден образци по всякакви поводи.Героите претърпяха страхотно развитие, този на Джи Сънг, например, от безотговорно влюбено богато гаднярче лентяйче се превърна в мъж.И този наистина мъж, трябваше да действува на принципа "след нас и потоп", за да разчупи клишето ли?

Който търси отмъщение, да копае два гроба- догма, абсолютно логичен,резултат, няма как да не е клише,не можеха да излезат сухи от водата.

Една любовна нощ и раздяла- клиширано, но те пък да не са свръхчовеци, толкоз време на сух режим,улици ли не бяха, пейки ли не бяха, да се пооблажат малко :28558:

Раздялата, клише, ами какво трябваше, да се вземат и да се радват на потопа и да не им пука,за да не е клише или да спретнат сцена тип Ромео и Жулиета, вече е по-рядко в днешно време, та да стане наводнение от сълзите на корейските домакини.

Лошите трябваше да се хванат и забегнат, за да не е клише, да ама щеше да им е много гот и да има много недоволни.

Целият епизод си беше премислен и да, бързо се развиха нещата, но изкараш ли духът от бутилката връщане няма, трябваше да ни мотат ли, за да негодуваме.

Детето живо- фактът ,че предполагахме, но се съмнявахме, значи са постигнали целта си.


Ще спра до тук, че става досадно.

В заключение ще кажа, че много житейски истини имаше в диалозите, над които да се замисли човек, толкова клиширани, но верни, та верни, които хем си знаем, хем не им обръщаме внимание, а като стане късно се сещаме за тях- "елементарно Уотсън", да, ама не.

Не съм гледала 16 епизод и ще чакам утре,чак вечерта ,с буквите, напук на клишето ;)

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..когато дават заглавието на драмата на черен фон и капеща вода?

Аз си мислех, че е сълза, а то теч имало.. w/e


Нищо му няма на епизода просто някои хора така и не разбраха, кога едно клише е уместно и кога не. Лавандула гледам, че се е впуснала в обяснения на ключовите ситуации, едва ли не да ги оправдава ама тва е все едно да преливаш от пусто в празно, човека си знае една дума --> "клише" и си я бае.

Не ми хареса това, че се сбъдна едно от предположенията ми по горе, определено ми се искаше да ме изненадат по отношение на тази "тайна" ама нейсе, станалото, станало! Последният епизод и без да го гледам, знам какво ще стане и като цяло сериала ми хареса обаче и дума не може да стане с кефа, който изпитах, когато гледах гореспоменатите 2 драми на Джи Сънг. А едната си беше като приказка с доста нелогични неща като африкански крале раздаващи диаманти на килограм и тем подобни, но въпреки това интригата беше отлична! Тук нещата бяха що годе добре направени, като основната идея е зрителя да види какво пагубно влияние може да имат тайните. В началото се чудих доста в/у прокурора и действията му понеже сериозно си противоречеше на места, но в последствие като се замислих, това всъщност, което го промени така беше точно въпросната нощ и инцидента довел до самоотвержените действия на главната и съответно потулването на нещата. "Истината винаги излиза наяве" - невярно твърдение в реалният живот, но непоклатим принцип в тв драмите. Основният проблем тук беше как точно ще изкарат тази истина в последните епизоди по отношение на героите, понеже както се видя и тук за зрителите, изненадата се изгуби доста преди да дойдат последните два епизода. А сблъсъка м/у този прокурор и героят на Джи Сънг просто поне за мен не беше такъв атеншънграбър, а и романса някак си позагуби от блясъка си. Виж в STS понеже заговорих така и така за него, просто си умрях от кеф като даде плана за казиното и надцака брат си и остналите, да не говорим, че историйката с главната там макар и не особено реалистична имаше сериозен заряд. Не ми хареса и това, че имаше недоразвити и дори напълно излишни персонажи. По добре да бяха си затегнали коланите и да отперат 20-25 епизода ама да бяха развили и страничните герои не само прокурора и богаташката. И въпреки това сериала си е доста приличен особено на фона на мнозинството от 2013-та да не говорим и за 2012-та.

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14 серии говореха и вършеха едно, но всичко това се оказаха празни приказки и биене в гърдите. Цензурата си каза думата и веднага сложиха калъпите и направиха "правилните" промени- "защото животът бил такъв". Да, наистина исках поне в един сериал да видя герой, който до края ще удържи на думата си и ще изпълни каквото се е заклел. Въпреки всичко и всички! Но си получих поредния мухльо, който цял сериал говореше и се кълнеше в едно, ама накрая

парите на тати му излязоха по-скъпи от уж "голямата любов"

. Та затова  е и моето негодувание-очаквах да видя поне един мъж, а то се оказа поредният корейски ревлив п*******. Иначе за края-все ми е едно. Ако искат -да го правят "както в живота". Ако искат- да измислят нещо ново-за разнообразие. Отдавна съм претръпнал и мога да понеса всякакви изненади.

P.S. Някои хора явно още не са се отървали от комплексите си и гледат да са на всяко гърне мерудия, къде канени, къде-не. Нейсе, няма да си губя времето с тях.

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В крайна сметка, доволна съм от края. Все още за мен си е в графата най-добър сериал 2013 въпреки 15 епизод, който не ме издразни, защото е много клиширан, а просто ми беше зле закърпен към предишните и свръх мелодраматичен. В тая графа ми влиза и сцената от шеснайсти

Където главните се разминаха драматично като пътни знаци на летището. ВТФ? Тя тича да го спре/да го изпрати и изведнъж се подминават. Много ми беше изкуствено.




Като изключим тези неща, много ми хареса.

Зарадвах се на края - след толкова плакане и страдание, трябва да има и малко светлина в тунела, иначе изтерзаният зрител ще вземе да си тегли ножа...



Много силни роли и на четиримата главни. Не съм имала сантимент към съответните актьори до момента, но от тази драма определено развих. 


Наративът беше представен много кохерентно, на място, с емоция (изключае тоз злополучен 15-ти). Драмата е впиваща и изпиваща едновременно и определено те кара да се замислиш. 


Трябва да обърна и внимание на кинематографията - принципно не се заглеждам много, но имаше доста приятни ъгли на заснемане, хареса ми и ефектът с капещите сълзи.


Ако има колебаещи се, да си налягат парцалите (одеалата в случая), да си прилегнат и да се подготвят за 2-3 безсънни нощи :).

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